Tag Archives: AF Barcelona

Advanced Factories 2025

16 мая, 2024

Advanced Factories is the new appointment for the industrial sector, which will bring together the 8, 10 and 10 of April in Barcelona the most innovative companies in machine tool, robotics, industrial automation and all technologies that embraces the so-called industry 4.0. Hohner Automation will present its latest product news and solutions in Advanced Factories. Come […]

Advanced Factories 2023

8 февраля, 2023

Advanced Factories is the new appointment for the industrial sector, which will bring together the 18, 19 and 20 of June in Barcelona the most innovative companies in machine tool, robotics, industrial automation and all technologies that embraces the so-called industry 4.0. Hohner Automation will present its latest product news and solutions in Advanced Factories. Come […]

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