Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Policy
The Management of HOHNER AUTOMATION, .SL., for its activity of
feels committed to sustainable development at a global level within the sector in which it carries out its activity and that is why its main objective is to offer a product and a service that meets the needs and requirements of its customers, in a competitive manner and with the highest level of Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and respect for the Environment (hereinafter, QSHE).
In order to respond effectively to the challenge that this entails, this QSHE policy is present and integrated into all decisions and actions at all levels of the Company, as well as those of all its collaborators.
For the development of its QSHE policy, HOHNER AUTOMATION, S.L. works according to an Integrated Management System documented and regularly verified for its adequacy and effectiveness, based on the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Standards.
To achieve the objective of this QSHE policy, HOHNER AUTOMATION, S.L. submits its activity to the following guidelines and commitments:
- Strictly comply with and consistently apply the regulations, legislation/regulations in force in all areas of action (labour, environment, etc.) and others that could be signed with other interested parties.
- Continuous improvement of the implemented GIS.
- Make investments aimed at, among other things, the training of our staff, the technical improvement of the facilities and the provision of complementary means, with the aim of being increasingly efficient, safe, ecological and competitive.
- Train and sensitize company personnel in all areas related to quality, the environment, occupational health and safety and ensure the dissemination of this QSHE policy so that everyone collaborates effectively in achieving company objectives derived from the strategic planning defined by the Management.
- Promote the corporate image of the company and the implementation of actions related to Corporate Social Responsibility (transparency, human rights, etc.).
- Have the appropriate organizational structure to achieve its quality and environmental objectives.
- Reduce non-quality costs, through a meticulous non-conformity analysis system that allows us to anticipate future deviations by implementing corrective actions.
- Improve the integration of customer/supplier relationships.
- Ensure the protection of the information provided by our customers and suppliers in accordance with current legislation.
- Ensure personal protection as well as the correct use of EPIS in order to maintain a continuous objective of « 0 work accidents ».
- Contribute to protecting the environment, reducing the environmental impact of our activity, applying a clear commitment to reduce pollution, as well as progressively reducing the consumption of materials by promoting their recycling and reuse (eg packaging, etc.).
- Promote our QSHE policy in our supply chain, encouraging our suppliers and collaborators to work in accordance with our corporate objectives.
Breda, 28/11/2022
PCSSMA / REV9 / 28.11.22