Sistemas antigiro flexibles

  • Los sistemas anti-giro flexibles están fabricados en acero inoxidable AISI301 pulido
  • Apropiados para la fijación de encoders de eje hueco y semi-hueco
  • Evita la sobrecarga en los rodamientos del encoder, absorbiendo el salto por excentricidad de los ejes
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          Referencia Series apropiadas Tornillos de fijación apropiados
          90.1014 19, 59, 59S, 50H, PR90H 5 M4 x 6 DIN912, DIN84
          90.1018 19, 50H, 59, 59S, PR90H, E58HS, E58HM, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S 3 M4 x 6 DIN912, DIN84
          90.1020 19, 50H, 59, 59S, PR90H, 64, E58HS, E58HM, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S 3 M4 x 6 DIN912, DIN84
          90.1024 19, 50H, 59, 59S, PR90H, 64, E58HS, E58HM, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S 3 M4 x 6 DIN912, DIN84
          90.1025 77, 80 5 M4 x 6 DIN912, DIN84
          90.1026 64 3 M4 x 6 DIN912, 3 M4 DIN127
          90.1027 19, 59, 59S, PR90H, 64, 64S, 66, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 6 M4 x 6 DIN912, DIN84
          90.1036 22, 22H, E36HM, E36HS 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M2,5 DIN6798A
          90.1037 22, 22H, E36HM, E36HS 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M2,5 DIN6798A
          90.1038 SMRS 64 4 M2,5 x 6 DIN912, 4 M2,60 DIN127B
          90.1039 64, 64S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 2 M3 x 6 DIN912, 2 M3 DIN127B
          90.1040 19, 59
          90.1041 64, 64S, 66, 77, 80 1 M3 x 6 DIN912, 1 M3 DIN127
          90.1045 19, 59, 59S, PR90H, 64, 64S, 66, E58HS, E58HM, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 4 M3 x 6 DIN7985, 4 M3 DIN127
          90.1046 64, 64S, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 2 M3 x 6 DIN912, 2 M3 DIN127
          90.1071 64, 64S, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 2 M3 x 6 DIN7985, 2 M3 DIN127
          90.1072 64, 64S, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 2 M3 x 6 DIN7985, 2 M3 DIN127
          90.1075 19, 50H, 59, 59S, PR90H, E58HS, E58HM 3 M4 x 6 DIN912, 3 M4 DIN127
          90.1076 19, 50H, 59, 59S, PR90H, E58HS, E58HM, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S 2 M 4 x 6 DIN912, 2 M4 DIN127
          90.1083 22, 22H, E36HS, E36HM 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M 2,5 DIN6798A
          90.1086 64, 64S, SMRS19, SMRS59, SMRS59S, SMRS64, SMRS64S 2 M3 x 6 DIN912, 2 M3 DIN127B
          90.1095 19, 50H, 59, 59S, PR90H, 64, E58HS, E58HM, SMRS59, SMRS59S 3 M4 x 6 DIN912, 3 M4 DIN127
          90.1101 64, 64S 4 M2,5 x 6 DIN912, 3 M2,60 DIN127B
          90.1108 80 6 M3 x 6 DIN912, 6 M3 DIN127B
          90.1109 77 6 M3 x 6 DIN912, 6 M3 DIN127B
          90.1110 50H 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M2,60 DIN127B
          90.1111 22, 22H, E36HM, E36HS 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M2,5 DIN6798A
          90.1116 28, E24HS 3 M1,6 x 5 DIN7985
          90.1119 77 6 M3 x 5 DIN912, 6 M3 DIN127B
          90.1124 67, 67S 2 M4 x 6 DIN912
          90.1129 67, 67S 2 M3x 5 DIN912, 2 M3 DIN127B
          90.1132 22M 2 M3 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M3 DIN6798A
          93.0102085 22, 22H 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M2,5 DIN6798A
          93.0102086 50HI 2 M2,5 x 6 DIN912
          93.0102087 22, 22H, E36HS, E36HM 2 M2,5 x 5 DIN7985, 2 M2,5 DIN6798A
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