At Hohner Automation we have defined a Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability strategy. In this way, we work on actions before society to contribute to sustainable development in the company and create an increasingly broad impact, multiplying our actions.
These are our commitments with our environment:
At HOHNER AUTOMATION, S.L. we have made a clear commitment to CSR: meeting the needs of our customers and other interested parties through the personal and professional development of our employees; and for this purpose considering and involving all interested parties in establishing a balance between Economic, Social, Environmental and Ethical issues.
Our CSR values are:
- To the State
- To be in strict compliance with our obligations as regards labour, tax, administrative, commercial and contractual matters according to applicable law.
- To provide accurate and timely information at the request of the Administration.
- To act ethically and with justice in the process of direct contracting, tenders and bids and rigorously comply with obligations arising from these dealings, with a total absence of attitudes that may promote corruption, bribery and/or any conflicts of interest.
- To give priority to an ethical attitude towards public servants (Public Administration) with a total absence of fraud and/or money laundering.
- Towards the community in general
- To collaborate in the participatory construction of an ethical culture. We understand business ethics to be the proper and reasonable moral attitude when making business decisions or actions, always within the applicable legal framework and with a total absence of attitudes that may promote corruption, bribery and/or any conflicts of interest.
- To contribute to socially just economic development in balance with the economic resources derived from its activities.
- To ensure the provision of goods and services of the highest quality, pursuing advances through continuous improvement.
- To comply with the conditions of quality and suitability of the services.
- To the employees
- To respect human dignity and the fundamental human rights of subordinates and colleagues.
- Not employing anyone who is below the legal working age and not using any type of forced or compulsory labour.
- The employees will have the right to association and collective bargaining.
- No discrimination of any kind will be permitted towards employees based on race, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation or association.
- To ensure that employees receive a salary in accordance with the position held and the legislation in force, as well as with the hours worked.
- To promote their full development, training and welfare.
- To encourage promotion based on the merit of individuals work.
- To create decent working conditions.
- To promote the values of an ethical culture within the company.
- Towards the business community
- To work with loyalty, transparency and in good faith in commercial relationships with competitors, not using practices which go against free competition.
- To set up security and monitoring mechanisms to guarantee transparency in private contracting processes.
- To support the formation of a business community with ethical values, aware of its responsibility in the pursuit of social justice.
- To comply with the regulations governing intellectual property and ensure they are observed.
- To comply with legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the service performed.
- To comply with the regulations regarding the promotion of competition and restrictive business practices in domestic markets.
- Towards creditors and suppliers
- To provide accurate reports about the economic and financial situation of the company.
- To fully comply with legal and contractual obligations.
- To refrain from engaging in illegal or unethical acts to the detriment to others.
- To promote the creation of an ethical culture among creditors and suppliers.
- Towards the environment
- Within the technical and market possibilities, to use clean technologies which guarantee the conservation of the ecosystem and, therefore, to refrain from misusing products, processes and technologies which are known to have adverse effects on the environment, pledging that all our activities are done in a way that respects the environment.
- To adopt business practices for Sustainable Human Development.
- To earn ISO 14001 certification in the near future.
ED. 2ª 22/11/22
Protection of the environment and contribution to fight against climate change.
Hohner has obtained the ISO 14001 Environmental Certification, accrediting our environmental management system that helps prevent environmental impacts. |
Hohner supplies itself with solar energy through solar panels installed on the roofs of our facilities. |
We have replaced our diesel vehicles with electric vehicles. Taking advantage of the power generation of our solar panels for consumption. |
We are renewing our fleet of commercial cars with plug-in hybrid technology, in addition to offering charging points. |
In the architectural design of our facilities we integrate devices that allow us to generate spaces of natural light. |
At Hohner we promote actions such as Bicycle to Work Day to reduce pollution and encourage healthy habits among workers. |
Encourage solidarity with fundamental human values for a better world.
We create Hohner Christmas lots with products from charitable companies in our area. These companies help disadvantaged people, with diseases from our environment or climate change. |
We regularly collaborate with La Marató de TV3. This is a solidarity project that obtains financial resources for scientific research into diseases that still have no definitive cure. |
Hohner has collaborated with the #ConUnaSonrisa campaign by Nandu Jubany and CSTY to contribute to research at the Bellvitge University Hospital and the Catalan Institute of Oncology to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. |
We have participated in the toy collection campaign organized by the Red Cross at Christmas and we have made various donations to the Banc dels Aliments entity that collects food for vulnerable families. |
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We continue to collaborate with the NGO Open Arms that protects the lives of the most vulnerable who are in international waters to leave their territory and are in emergency situations. |
At Hohner we collaborate with sports entities at the local level to promote sport among girls, boys and young people in the municipality. |
Active and voluntary contribution to the social and economic improvement of society.
We have created an Equality Committee that has developed some actions to guarantee the same treatment and the same opportunities between men and women. |
A harassment protocol has been drawn up available to the entire Hohner staff to respond to any situation of workplace, sexual or gender-based harassment. |
We have a collaboration with a Special Work Center to cover the needs of factory personnel with people with functional diversity. |
We are working on a social project aimed at the training and training of people in a state of social exclusion to facilitate their reintegration. |
Every year at Hohner we organize an open day so that the relatives of our staff can attend to visit the facilities and get to know the work sites of the staff. |
We sponsor Robotseny-Montquímic, an educational project that promotes technological and scientific vocations among Baix Montseny students. |
We collaborate with schools in the company’s environment by organizing school visits to our facilities, as well as in educational projects to learn what an encoder is and its manufacturing process. |
At Hohner we have collaborated in the La Caixa Foundation project whose objective is to reduce infant mortality in underdeveloped countries, promoting vaccination among the population. |
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Hohner we participate in the FOEG project called “Jo de gran vull ser com tu”, where business talks are organized in schools to bring this figure and its values closer. |
We are members of the “Patronat de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona”, which aims to facilitate technology transfer between university and business, to have an impact on the closest society. |
Hohner is part of the Breda Industrial group. It is made up of different companies from the municipality and its surroundings, with the purpose of improving the management of infrastructures and services of the municipality and promoting the attractiveness of the town. |